Medical Coverage

Protection for you and your family for everyday health issues or when unforeseen problems occur.

CF Industries provides you with Flex Credits each year, based on your enrolled family status, for your medical and dental coverage. Your Family Status is simply who you are enrolling under your health coverage: Single (employee-only), Employee + 1, or Family.

Credit Options

Flex Credits act as an allowance for medical and dental spending each year. If necessary, you can choose a different Flex Credit allowance for your medical coverage and your dental coverage. Excess Flex Credits can be taken as taxable cash through a bi-weekly payroll credit, and/or deposited into a Health Spending Account (HSA).

Annual Costs for Health Coverage

If You Choose Cost Flex Credits Difference
Option 1
Single $967 $1,467 $500 excess credits
Employee + 1 $1,720 $2,220 $500 excess credits
Family $2,734 $3,234 $500 excess credits
Option 2
Single $1,596 $1,596 $0
Employee + 1 $2,842 $2,842 $0
Family $4,517 $4,517 $0

Opt-Out of Coverage Credits

If you are covered under your spouse’s employer coverage or under your own private health plan, you may opt-out of CF Industries’ medical coverages. If you choose to opt-out of both your medical and dental coverage, you will receive Opt-Out Credits which serve the same function as Excess Flex Credits. Employees will receive $750 in Opt-Out Credits for medical coverage, and $688 for dental coverage. Please note that opting out of the medical plan requires proof of other coverage.

Health Options

CF partners with Sun Life to provide two options for medical coverage through your employment:

    Benefits Option One Coverage Option Two Coverage
    Prescription drugs* 70%
    Includes smoking cessation and anti-obesity drugs (limits apply)

    Fertility up to a lifetime maximum of $2,500
    Includes smoking cessation and anti-obesity drugs (limits apply)

    Fertility up to a lifetime maximum of $2,500
    Vision care** Fixed benefit period renews every 2 years. The benefit period starts on 1/1/2025 and ends on 12/31/26.
    Eye exams, eyeglasses, contacts, laser surgery $75
    Every two years for adults, every year for children
    Every two years for adults, every year for children
    Paramedical practitioners (e.g., chiropractic, podiatry, naturopathy), family practitioner 70% to $3,500 maximum
    Psychologist/social worker

    $500 maximum
    All other practitioners
    100% to $3,500 maximum
    Psychologist/social worker

    $1,000 maximum
    All other practitioners
    Medical services and equipment (e.g., orthotics) 70% 100%
    Ambulance 100%
    Hospital 70%
    Semi-private room
    Semi-private room
    Hearing Aids 100% to $1,000 maximum
    Every three years
    100% to $2,000 maximum
    Every three years
    Private duty nursing
    $15,000 maximum
    Every three years
    Fertility Treatment
    $20,000 lifetime maximum
    Out-of-country medical
    Coinsurance for emergency care

    Coinsurance for referral, non-emergency care

    $2,000,000 per person lifetime maximum

    *Sun Life will reimburse your prescription drug expenses up to the “lowest cost alternative”. Prior authorization may be required for some drugs. You can find a list of drugs by going to and selecting “prior authorization drug list and forms” from the “group benefits” menu at the top of the page.

    **Vision coverage has a two-year fixed benefit period. The first two-year benefit period was from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2026. Each subsequent two-year benefit period will begin after the end of a prior two-year benefit period. Vision coverage ends for any covered dependent(s) at the age of 19.